syntax = "proto3"; package; option go_package = "events"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message FrameRef { string name = 1; string id = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at= 3; } message FrameMessage { FrameRef id = 1; bytes frame = 2; } message SteeringMessage { float steering = 1; float confidence = 2; FrameRef frame_ref = 3; } message ThrottleMessage { float throttle = 1; float confidence = 2; FrameRef frame_ref = 3; } message DriveModeMessage { DriveMode drive_mode = 1; } enum DriveMode { INVALID = 0; USER = 1; PILOT = 2; } message ObjectsMessage { repeated Object objects = 1; FrameRef frame_ref = 2; } // BoundingBox that contains an object message Object { TypeObject type = 1; int32 left = 2; int32 top = 3; int32 right = 4; int32 bottom = 5; float confidence = 6; } enum TypeObject { ANY = 0; CAR = 1; BUMP = 2; PLOT = 3; } message SwitchRecordMessage { bool enabled = 1; } // Road description message RoadMessage { repeated Point contour = 1; // list of points that describes road contour Ellipse ellipse = 2; // rotated ellipse that fit road contour FrameRef frame_ref = 3; // Reference to the frame used for compute } message Point { int32 x = 1; int32 y = 2; } message Ellipse { Point center = 1; int32 width = 2; int32 height = 3; float angle = 4; float confidence = 5; }