package main import ( "flag" "" "" "" "" "image" "log" "math" "os" ) const ( DefaultClientId = "robocar-road" DefaultHorizon = 110 ) func main() { var mqttBroker, username, password, clientId string var cameraTopic, roadTopic string var horizon int var whiteThresholdLow, whiteThresholdHigh int var cannyThresholdLow, cannyThresholdHigh int var imgWidth, imgHeight int err := cli.SetIntDefaultValueFromEnv(&horizon, "HORIZON", DefaultHorizon) if err != nil { log.Printf("unable to parse horizon value arg: %v", err) } mqttQos := cli.InitIntFlag("MQTT_QOS", 0) _, mqttRetain := os.LookupEnv("MQTT_RETAIN") cli.InitMqttFlags(DefaultClientId, &mqttBroker, &username, &password, &clientId, &mqttQos, &mqttRetain) flag.StringVar(&roadTopic, "mqtt-topic-road", os.Getenv("MQTT_TOPIC_ROAD"), "Mqtt topic to publish road detection result, use MQTT_TOPIC_ROAD if args not set") flag.StringVar(&cameraTopic, "mqtt-topic-camera", os.Getenv("MQTT_TOPIC_CAMERA"), "Mqtt topic that contains camera frame values, use MQTT_TOPIC_CAMERA if args not set") flag.IntVar(&horizon, "horizon", horizon, "Limit horizon in pixels from top, use HORIZON if args not set") flag.IntVar(&imgWidth, "image-width", 160, "Video pixels width") flag.IntVar(&imgHeight, "image-height", 120, "Video pixels height") flag.IntVar(&whiteThresholdLow, "white-threshold-low", 20, "White pixels threshold, low limit") flag.IntVar(&whiteThresholdHigh, "white-threshold-high", 255, "White pixels threshold, high limit") flag.IntVar(&cannyThresholdLow, "canny-threshold-low", 100, "White pixels threshold, low limit") flag.IntVar(&cannyThresholdHigh, "canny-threshold-high", 250, "White pixels threshold, high limit") var houghLinesRho, houghLinesThreshold, houghLinesMinLineLength, houghLinesMaxLineGap int var houghLinesTheta float64 flag.IntVar(&houghLinesRho, "hough-lines-rho", 2, "distance resolution in pixels of the Hough grid") flag.Float64Var(&houghLinesTheta, "hough-lines-theta", 1*math.Pi/180, "angular resolution in radians of the Hough grid, default Pi/180") flag.IntVar(&houghLinesThreshold, "hough-lines-threshold", 15, "minimum number of votes (intersections in Hough grid cell)") flag.IntVar(&houghLinesMinLineLength, "hough-lines-min-line-length", 10, "minimum number of pixels making up a line") flag.IntVar(&houghLinesMaxLineGap, "hough-lines-max-lines-gap", 20, "maximum gap in pixels between connectable line segments") logLevel := zap.LevelFlag("log", zap.InfoLevel, "log level") flag.Parse() if len(os.Args) <= 1 { flag.PrintDefaults() os.Exit(1) } config := zap.NewDevelopmentConfig() config.Level = zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(*logLevel) lgr, err := config.Build() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to init logger: %v", err) } defer func() { if err := lgr.Sync(); err != nil { log.Printf("unable to Sync logger: %v\n", err) } }() zap.ReplaceGlobals(lgr) zap.S().Infof("topic road : %v", roadTopic) zap.S().Infof("topic camera : %v", cameraTopic) zap.S().Infof("horizon : %v", horizon) zap.S().Infof("image width : %v", imgWidth) zap.S().Infof("image height : %v", imgHeight) zap.S().Infof("white threshold low : %v", whiteThresholdLow) zap.S().Infof("white threshold high : %v", whiteThresholdHigh) zap.S().Infof("canny threshold low : %v", cannyThresholdLow) zap.S().Infof("canny threshold high : %v", cannyThresholdHigh) zap.S().Infof("hough lines rho : %v", houghLinesRho) zap.S().Infof("hough lines theta : %v", houghLinesTheta) zap.S().Infof("hough lines threshold : %v", houghLinesThreshold) zap.S().Infof("hough lines min line length: %v", houghLinesMinLineLength) zap.S().Infof("hough lines max line gap : %v", houghLinesMaxLineGap) client, err := cli.Connect(mqttBroker, username, password, clientId) if err != nil { zap.S().Fatalf("unable to connect to mqtt bus: %v", err) } defer client.Disconnect(50) monitor := &road.DefaultMonitor{} go monitor.Start() p := road.NewPart(client, cameraTopic, roadTopic, road.NewDetector( road.WithWhiteFilter(whiteThresholdLow, whiteThresholdHigh), road.WithYellowFilter( gocv.NewMatFromScalar(gocv.Scalar{Val1: 90., Val2: 100., Val3: 100.}, gocv.MatTypeCV8U), gocv.NewMatFromScalar(gocv.Scalar{Val1: 110., Val2: 255., Val3: 255.}, gocv.MatTypeCV8U), ), road.WithCanny(cannyThresholdLow, cannyThresholdHigh), road.WithGaussianBlur(3), road.WithRegionOfInterest(imgWidth, imgHeight, horizon), road.WithPointOnRoad(image.Point{X: imgWidth / 2, Y: imgHeight - 30}), road.WithHoughLines(houghLinesRho, float32(houghLinesTheta), houghLinesThreshold, houghLinesMinLineLength, houghLinesMaxLineGap), road.WithMonitor(monitor), ), ) defer p.Stop() cli.HandleExit(p) err = p.Start() if err != nil { zap.S().Fatalf("unable to start service: %v", err) } }