package steering import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" "" mqtt "" "" "" "" "" "image" _ "image/jpeg" "sort" ) func NewPart(client mqtt.Client, modelPath, steeringTopic, cameraTopic string, edgeVerbosity int) *Part { return &Part{ client: client, modelPath: modelPath, steeringTopic: steeringTopic, cameraTopic: cameraTopic, edgeVebosity: edgeVerbosity, } } type Part struct { client mqtt.Client steeringTopic string cameraTopic string cancel chan interface{} options *tflite.InterpreterOptions interpreter *tflite.Interpreter modelPath string model *tflite.Model edgeVebosity int } func (p *Part) Start() error { p.cancel = make(chan interface{}) p.model = tflite.NewModelFromFile(p.modelPath) if p.model == nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot load model %v", p.modelPath) } // Get the list of devices devices, err := edgetpu.DeviceList() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get EdgeTPU devices: %w", err) } if len(devices) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no edge TPU devices found") } // Print the EdgeTPU version edgetpuVersion, err := edgetpu.Version() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot get EdgeTPU version: %w", err) } zap.S().Infof("EdgeTPU Version: %s\n", edgetpuVersion) edgetpu.Verbosity(p.edgeVebosity) p.options = tflite.NewInterpreterOptions() p.options.SetNumThread(4) p.options.SetErrorReporter(func(msg string, userData interface{}) { zap.L().Error(msg, zap.Any("userData", userData), ) }, nil) // Add the first EdgeTPU device d := edgetpu.New(devices[0]) if d == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create new EdgeTpu delegate") } p.options.AddDelegate(d) p.interpreter = tflite.NewInterpreter(p.model, p.options) if p.interpreter == nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot create interpreter") } if err := registerCallbacks(p); err != nil { zap.S().Errorf("unable to register callbacks: %v", err) return err } p.cancel = make(chan interface{}) <-p.cancel return nil } func (p *Part) Stop() { close(p.cancel) service.StopService("steering", p.client, p.cameraTopic) if p.interpreter != nil { p.interpreter.Delete() } p.interpreter.Delete() if p.options != nil { p.options.Delete() } if p.model != nil { p.model.Delete() } } func (p *Part) onFrame(_ mqtt.Client, message mqtt.Message) { var msg events.FrameMessage err := proto.Unmarshal(message.Payload(), &msg) if err != nil { zap.S().Errorf("unable to unmarshal protobuf %T message: %v", &msg, err) return } img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(msg.GetFrame())) if err != nil { zap.L().Error("unable to decode frame", zap.Error(err)) } steering, confidence, err := p.Value(img) if err != nil { zap.S().Errorw("unable to compute sterring", "frame", msg.GetId().GetId(), "error", err, ) return } msgSteering := &events.SteeringMessage{ Steering: steering, Confidence: confidence, FrameRef: msg.Id, } payload, err := proto.Marshal(msgSteering) if err != nil { zap.L().Error("unable to marshal protobuf message", zap.Error(err)) } publish(p.client, p.steeringTopic, payload) } func (p *Part) Value(img image.Image) (float32, float32, error) { status := p.interpreter.AllocateTensors() if status != tflite.OK { return 0., 0., fmt.Errorf("tensor allocate failed: %v", status) } input := p.interpreter.GetInputTensor(0) dx := img.Bounds().Dx() dy := img.Bounds().Dy() bb := make([]byte, dx*dy*3) for y := 0; y < 128; y++ { for x := 0; x < 160; x++ { r, g, b, _ := img.At(x, y).RGBA() bb[(y*dx+x)*3+0] = byte(float64(r) / 255.0) bb[(y*dx+x)*3+1] = byte(float64(g) / 255.0) bb[(y*dx+x)*3+2] = byte(float64(b) / 255.0) } } status = input.CopyFromBuffer(bb) if status != tflite.OK { return 0., 0., fmt.Errorf("input copy from buffer failed: %v", status) } status = p.interpreter.Invoke() if status != tflite.OK { return 0., 0., fmt.Errorf("invoke failed: %v", status) } output := p.interpreter.GetOutputTensor(0) outputSize := output.Dim(output.NumDims() - 1) b := make([]byte, outputSize) type result struct { score float64 index int } status = output.CopyToBuffer(&b[0]) if status != tflite.OK { return 0., 0., fmt.Errorf("output failed: %v", status) } var results []result minScore := 0.2 for i := 0; i < outputSize; i++ { score := float64(b[i]) / 255.0 if score < minScore { continue } results = append(results, result{score: score, index: i}) } if len(results) == 0 { zap.L().Warn(fmt.Sprintf("none steering with score > %0.2f found", minScore)) return 0., 0., nil } sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool { return results[i].score > results[j].score }) steering := float64(results[0].index)*(2./float64(outputSize)) - 1 zap.L().Debug("found steering", zap.Float64("steering", steering), zap.Float64("score", results[0].score), ) return float32(steering), float32(results[0].score), nil } var registerCallbacks = func(p *Part) error { err := service.RegisterCallback(p.client, p.cameraTopic, p.onFrame) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to register callback: %w", err) } return nil } var publish = func(client mqtt.Client, topic string, payload []byte) { client.Publish(topic, 0, false, payload) }