125 lines
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// Copyright 2017 The Periph Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fs
import (
const isLinux = true
// syscall.EpollCtl() commands.
// These are defined here so we don't need to import golang.org/x/sys/unix.
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_ctl.2.html
const (
epollCTLAdd = 1 // EPOLL_CTL_ADD
epollCTLDel = 2 // EPOLL_CTL_DEL
epollCTLMod = 3 // EPOLL_CTL_MOD
// Bitmask for field syscall.EpollEvent.Events.
// These are defined here so we don't need to import golang.org/x/sys/unix.
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_ctl.2.html
type epollEvent uint32
const (
epollIN epollEvent = 0x1 // EPOLLIN: available for read
epollOUT epollEvent = 0x4 // EPOLLOUT: available for write
epollPRI epollEvent = 0x2 // EPOLLPRI: exceptional urgent condition
epollERR epollEvent = 0x8 // EPOLLERR: error
epollHUP epollEvent = 0x10 // EPOLLHUP: hangup
epollET epollEvent = 0x80000000 // EPOLLET: Edge Triggered behavior
epollONESHOT epollEvent = 0x40000000 // EPOLLONESHOT: One shot
epollWAKEUP epollEvent = 0x20000000 // EPOLLWAKEUP: disable system sleep; kernel >=3.5
epollEXCLUSIVE epollEvent = 0x10000000 // EPOLLEXCLUSIVE: only wake one; kernel >=4.5
var bitmaskString = [...]struct {
e epollEvent
s string
{epollIN, "IN"},
{epollOUT, "OUT"},
{epollPRI, "PRI"},
{epollERR, "ERR"},
{epollHUP, "HUP"},
{epollET, "ET"},
{epollWAKEUP, "WAKEUP"},
// String is useful for debugging.
func (e epollEvent) String() string {
var out []string
for _, b := range bitmaskString {
if e&b.e != 0 {
out = append(out, b.s)
e &^= b.e
if e != 0 {
out = append(out, "0x"+strconv.FormatUint(uint64(e), 16))
if len(out) == 0 {
out = []string{"0"}
return strings.Join(out, "|")
func ioctl(f uintptr, op uint, arg uintptr) error {
if _, _, errno := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, f, uintptr(op), arg); errno != 0 {
return syscall.Errno(errno)
return nil
type event struct {
event [1]syscall.EpollEvent
epollFd int
fd int
// makeEvent creates an epoll *edge* triggered event.
// References:
// behavior and flags: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/epoll.7.html
// syscall.EpollCreate: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_create.2.html
// syscall.EpollCtl: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_ctl.2.html
func (e *event) makeEvent(fd uintptr) error {
epollFd, err := syscall.EpollCreate(1)
switch {
case err == nil:
case err.Error() == "function not implemented":
// Some arch (arm64) do not implement EpollCreate().
if epollFd, err = syscall.EpollCreate1(0); err != nil {
return err
return err
e.epollFd = epollFd
e.fd = int(fd)
// EPOLLWAKEUP could be used to force the system to not go do sleep while
// waiting for an edge. This is generally a bad idea, as we'd instead have
// the system to *wake up* when an edge is triggered. Achieving this is
// outside the scope of this interface.
e.event[0].Events = uint32(epollPRI | epollET)
e.event[0].Fd = int32(e.fd)
return syscall.EpollCtl(e.epollFd, epollCTLAdd, e.fd, &e.event[0])
func (e *event) wait(timeoutms int) (int, error) {
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_wait.2.html
return syscall.EpollWait(e.epollFd, e.event[:], timeoutms)