22 lines
724 B

// Copyright 2018 The Periph Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package physic declares types for physical input, outputs and measurement
// units.
// This includes temperature, humidity, pressure, tension, current, etc.
// SI units
// The supported S.I. units is a subset of the official ones.
// T tera 10¹² 1000000000000
// G giga 10⁹ 1000000000
// M mega 10⁶ 1000000
// k kilo 10³ 1000
// m milli 10⁻³ 0.001
// µ,u micro 10⁻⁶ 0.000001
// n nano 10⁻⁹ 0.000000001
// p pico 10⁻¹² 0.000000000001
package physic