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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/export/metric"
import (
// Processor is responsible for deciding which kind of aggregation to
// use (via AggregatorSelector), gathering exported results from the
// SDK during collection, and deciding over which dimensions to group
// the exported data.
// The SDK supports binding only one of these interfaces, as it has
// the sole responsibility of determining which Aggregator to use for
// each record.
// The embedded AggregatorSelector interface is called (concurrently)
// in instrumentation context to select the appropriate Aggregator for
// an instrument.
// The `Process` method is called during collection in a
// single-threaded context from the SDK, after the aggregator is
// checkpointed, allowing the processor to build the set of metrics
// currently being exported.
type Processor interface {
// AggregatorSelector is responsible for selecting the
// concrete type of Aggregator used for a metric in the SDK.
// This may be a static decision based on fields of the
// Descriptor, or it could use an external configuration
// source to customize the treatment of each metric
// instrument.
// The result from AggregatorSelector.AggregatorFor should be
// the same type for a given Descriptor or else nil. The same
// type should be returned for a given descriptor, because
// Aggregators only know how to Merge with their own type. If
// the result is nil, the metric instrument will be disabled.
// Note that the SDK only calls AggregatorFor when new records
// require an Aggregator. This does not provide a way to
// disable metrics with active records.
// Process is called by the SDK once per internal record,
// passing the export Accumulation (a Descriptor, the corresponding
// Labels, and the checkpointed Aggregator). This call has no
// Context argument because it is expected to perform only
// computation. An SDK is not expected to call exporters from
// with Process, use a controller for that (see
// ./controllers/{pull,push}.
Process(accum Accumulation) error
// AggregatorSelector supports selecting the kind of Aggregator to
// use at runtime for a specific metric instrument.
type AggregatorSelector interface {
// AggregatorFor allocates a variable number of aggregators of
// a kind suitable for the requested export. This method
// initializes a `...*Aggregator`, to support making a single
// allocation.
// When the call returns without initializing the *Aggregator
// to a non-nil value, the metric instrument is explicitly
// disabled.
// This must return a consistent type to avoid confusion in
// later stages of the metrics export process, i.e., when
// Merging or Checkpointing aggregators for a specific
// instrument.
// Note: This is context-free because the aggregator should
// not relate to the incoming context. This call should not
// block.
AggregatorFor(descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor, aggregator ...*Aggregator)
// Checkpointer is the interface used by a Controller to coordinate
// the Processor with Accumulator(s) and Exporter(s). The
// StartCollection() and FinishCollection() methods start and finish a
// collection interval. Controllers call the Accumulator(s) during
// collection to process Accumulations.
type Checkpointer interface {
// Processor processes metric data for export. The Process
// method is bracketed by StartCollection and FinishCollection
// calls. The embedded AggregatorSelector can be called at
// any time.
// Reader returns the current data set. This may be
// called before and after collection. The
// implementation is required to return the same value
// throughout its lifetime, since Reader exposes a
// sync.Locker interface. The caller is responsible for
// locking the Reader before initiating collection.
Reader() Reader
// StartCollection begins a collection interval.
// FinishCollection ends a collection interval.
FinishCollection() error
// CheckpointerFactory is an interface for producing configured
// Checkpointer instances.
type CheckpointerFactory interface {
NewCheckpointer() Checkpointer
// Aggregator implements a specific aggregation behavior, e.g., a
// behavior to track a sequence of updates to an instrument. Counter
// instruments commonly use a simple Sum aggregator, but for the
// distribution instruments (Histogram, GaugeObserver) there are a
// number of possible aggregators with different cost and accuracy
// tradeoffs.
// Note that any Aggregator may be attached to any instrument--this is
// the result of the OpenTelemetry API/SDK separation. It is possible
// to attach a Sum aggregator to a Histogram instrument or a
// MinMaxSumCount aggregator to a Counter instrument.
type Aggregator interface {
// Aggregation returns an Aggregation interface to access the
// current state of this Aggregator. The caller is
// responsible for synchronization and must not call any the
// other methods in this interface concurrently while using
// the Aggregation.
Aggregation() aggregation.Aggregation
// Update receives a new measured value and incorporates it
// into the aggregation. Update() calls may be called
// concurrently.
// Descriptor.NumberKind() should be consulted to determine
// whether the provided number is an int64 or float64.
// The Context argument comes from user-level code and could be
// inspected for a `correlation.Map` or `trace.SpanContext`.
Update(ctx context.Context, number number.Number, descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor) error
// SynchronizedMove is called during collection to finish one
// period of aggregation by atomically saving the
// currently-updating state into the argument Aggregator AND
// resetting the current value to the zero state.
// SynchronizedMove() is called concurrently with Update(). These
// two methods must be synchronized with respect to each
// other, for correctness.
// After saving a synchronized copy, the Aggregator can be converted
// into one or more of the interfaces in the `aggregation` sub-package,
// according to kind of Aggregator that was selected.
// This method will return an InconsistentAggregatorError if
// this Aggregator cannot be copied into the destination due
// to an incompatible type.
// This call has no Context argument because it is expected to
// perform only computation.
// When called with a nil `destination`, this Aggregator is reset
// and the current value is discarded.
SynchronizedMove(destination Aggregator, descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor) error
// Merge combines the checkpointed state from the argument
// Aggregator into this Aggregator. Merge is not synchronized
// with respect to Update or SynchronizedMove.
// The owner of an Aggregator being merged is responsible for
// synchronization of both Aggregator states.
Merge(aggregator Aggregator, descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor) error
// Subtractor is an optional interface implemented by some
// Aggregators. An Aggregator must support `Subtract()` in order to
// be configured for a Precomputed-Sum instrument (CounterObserver,
// UpDownCounterObserver) using a DeltaExporter.
type Subtractor interface {
// Subtract subtracts the `operand` from this Aggregator and
// outputs the value in `result`.
Subtract(operand, result Aggregator, descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor) error
// Exporter handles presentation of the checkpoint of aggregate
// metrics. This is the final stage of a metrics export pipeline,
// where metric data are formatted for a specific system.
type Exporter interface {
// Export is called immediately after completing a collection
// pass in the SDK.
// The Context comes from the controller that initiated
// collection.
// The InstrumentationLibraryReader interface refers to the
// Processor that just completed collection.
Export(ctx context.Context, resource *resource.Resource, reader InstrumentationLibraryReader) error
// TemporalitySelector is an interface used by the Processor
// in deciding whether to compute Delta or Cumulative
// Aggregations when passing Records to this Exporter.
// InstrumentationLibraryReader is an interface for exporters to iterate
// over one instrumentation library of metric data at a time.
type InstrumentationLibraryReader interface {
// ForEach calls the passed function once per instrumentation library,
// allowing the caller to emit metrics grouped by the library that
// produced them.
ForEach(readerFunc func(instrumentation.Library, Reader) error) error
// Reader allows a controller to access a complete checkpoint of
// aggregated metrics from the Processor for a single library of
// metric data. This is passed to the Exporter which may then use
// ForEach to iterate over the collection of aggregated metrics.
type Reader interface {
// ForEach iterates over aggregated checkpoints for all
// metrics that were updated during the last collection
// period. Each aggregated checkpoint returned by the
// function parameter may return an error.
// The TemporalitySelector argument is used to determine
// whether the Record is computed using Delta or Cumulative
// aggregation.
// ForEach tolerates ErrNoData silently, as this is
// expected from the Meter implementation. Any other kind
// of error will immediately halt ForEach and return
// the error to the caller.
ForEach(tempSelector aggregation.TemporalitySelector, recordFunc func(Record) error) error
// Locker supports locking the checkpoint set. Collection
// into the checkpoint set cannot take place (in case of a
// stateful processor) while it is locked.
// The Processor attached to the Accumulator MUST be called
// with the lock held.
// RLock acquires a read lock corresponding to this Locker.
// RUnlock releases a read lock corresponding to this Locker.
// Metadata contains the common elements for exported metric data that
// are shared by the Accumulator->Processor and Processor->Exporter
// steps.
type Metadata struct {
descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor
labels *attribute.Set
// Accumulation contains the exported data for a single metric instrument
// and label set, as prepared by an Accumulator for the Processor.
type Accumulation struct {
aggregator Aggregator
// Record contains the exported data for a single metric instrument
// and label set, as prepared by the Processor for the Exporter.
// This includes the effective start and end time for the aggregation.
type Record struct {
aggregation aggregation.Aggregation
start time.Time
end time.Time
// Descriptor describes the metric instrument being exported.
func (m Metadata) Descriptor() *sdkapi.Descriptor {
return m.descriptor
// Labels describes the labels associated with the instrument and the
// aggregated data.
func (m Metadata) Labels() *attribute.Set {
return m.labels
// NewAccumulation allows Accumulator implementations to construct new
// Accumulations to send to Processors. The Descriptor, Labels,
// and Aggregator represent aggregate metric events received over a single
// collection period.
func NewAccumulation(descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor, labels *attribute.Set, aggregator Aggregator) Accumulation {
return Accumulation{
Metadata: Metadata{
descriptor: descriptor,
labels: labels,
aggregator: aggregator,
// Aggregator returns the checkpointed aggregator. It is safe to
// access the checkpointed state without locking.
func (r Accumulation) Aggregator() Aggregator {
return r.aggregator
// NewRecord allows Processor implementations to construct export
// records. The Descriptor, Labels, and Aggregator represent
// aggregate metric events received over a single collection period.
func NewRecord(descriptor *sdkapi.Descriptor, labels *attribute.Set, aggregation aggregation.Aggregation, start, end time.Time) Record {
return Record{
Metadata: Metadata{
descriptor: descriptor,
labels: labels,
aggregation: aggregation,
start: start,
end: end,
// Aggregation returns the aggregation, an interface to the record and
// its aggregator, dependent on the kind of both the input and exporter.
func (r Record) Aggregation() aggregation.Aggregation {
return r.aggregation
// StartTime is the start time of the interval covered by this aggregation.
func (r Record) StartTime() time.Time {
return r.start
// EndTime is the end time of the interval covered by this aggregation.
func (r Record) EndTime() time.Time {
return r.end