
942 lines
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2022-08-21 20:31:19 +00:00
package gocv
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "features2d.h"
import "C"
import (
// AKAZE is a wrapper around the cv::AKAZE algorithm.
type AKAZE struct {
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewAKAZE returns a new AKAZE algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewAKAZE() AKAZE {
return AKAZE{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.AKAZE_Create())}
// Close AKAZE.
func (a *AKAZE) Close() error {
a.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using AKAZE.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *AKAZE) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.AKAZE_Detect((C.AKAZE)(a.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// DetectAndCompute keypoints and compute in an image using AKAZE.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *AKAZE) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) {
desc := NewMat()
ret := C.AKAZE_DetectAndCompute((C.AKAZE)(a.p), src.p, mask.p, desc.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret), desc
// AgastFeatureDetector is a wrapper around the cv::AgastFeatureDetector.
type AgastFeatureDetector struct {
// C.AgastFeatureDetector
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewAgastFeatureDetector returns a new AgastFeatureDetector algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewAgastFeatureDetector() AgastFeatureDetector {
return AgastFeatureDetector{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.AgastFeatureDetector_Create())}
// Close AgastFeatureDetector.
func (a *AgastFeatureDetector) Close() error {
a.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using AgastFeatureDetector.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *AgastFeatureDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.AgastFeatureDetector_Detect((C.AgastFeatureDetector)(a.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// BRISK is a wrapper around the cv::BRISK algorithm.
type BRISK struct {
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewBRISK returns a new BRISK algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewBRISK() BRISK {
return BRISK{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.BRISK_Create())}
// Close BRISK.
func (b *BRISK) Close() error {
b.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using BRISK.
// For further details, please see:
func (b *BRISK) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.BRISK_Detect((C.BRISK)(b.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// DetectAndCompute keypoints and compute in an image using BRISK.
// For further details, please see:
func (b *BRISK) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) {
desc := NewMat()
ret := C.BRISK_DetectAndCompute((C.BRISK)(b.p), src.p, mask.p, desc.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret), desc
// FastFeatureDetectorType defines the detector type
// For further details, please see:
type FastFeatureDetectorType int
const (
//FastFeatureDetectorType58 is an alias of FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_5_8
FastFeatureDetectorType58 FastFeatureDetectorType = 0
//FastFeatureDetectorType712 is an alias of FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_7_12
FastFeatureDetectorType712 FastFeatureDetectorType = 1
//FastFeatureDetectorType916 is an alias of FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16
FastFeatureDetectorType916 FastFeatureDetectorType = 2
// FastFeatureDetector is a wrapper around the cv::FastFeatureDetector.
type FastFeatureDetector struct {
// C.FastFeatureDetector
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewFastFeatureDetector returns a new FastFeatureDetector algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewFastFeatureDetector() FastFeatureDetector {
return FastFeatureDetector{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.FastFeatureDetector_Create())}
// NewFastFeatureDetectorWithParams returns a new FastFeatureDetector algorithm with parameters
// For further details, please see:
func NewFastFeatureDetectorWithParams(threshold int, nonmaxSuppression bool, typ FastFeatureDetectorType) FastFeatureDetector {
return FastFeatureDetector{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.FastFeatureDetector_CreateWithParams(, C.bool(nonmaxSuppression),}
// Close FastFeatureDetector.
func (f *FastFeatureDetector) Close() error {
f.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using FastFeatureDetector.
// For further details, please see:
func (f *FastFeatureDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.FastFeatureDetector_Detect((C.FastFeatureDetector)(f.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// GFTTDetector is a wrapper around the cv::GFTTDetector algorithm.
type GFTTDetector struct {
// C.GFTTDetector
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewGFTTDetector returns a new GFTTDetector algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewGFTTDetector() GFTTDetector {
return GFTTDetector{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.GFTTDetector_Create())}
// Close GFTTDetector.
func (a *GFTTDetector) Close() error {
a.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using GFTTDetector.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *GFTTDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.GFTTDetector_Detect((C.GFTTDetector)(a.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// KAZE is a wrapper around the cv::KAZE algorithm.
type KAZE struct {
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewKAZE returns a new KAZE algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewKAZE() KAZE {
return KAZE{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.KAZE_Create())}
// Close KAZE.
func (a *KAZE) Close() error {
a.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using KAZE.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *KAZE) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.KAZE_Detect((C.KAZE)(a.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// DetectAndCompute keypoints and compute in an image using KAZE.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *KAZE) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) {
desc := NewMat()
ret := C.KAZE_DetectAndCompute((C.KAZE)(a.p), src.p, mask.p, desc.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret), desc
// MSER is a wrapper around the cv::MSER algorithm.
type MSER struct {
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewMSER returns a new MSER algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewMSER() MSER {
return MSER{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.MSER_Create())}
// Close MSER.
func (a *MSER) Close() error {
a.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using MSER.
// For further details, please see:
func (a *MSER) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.MSER_Detect((C.MSER)(a.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// ORB is a wrapper around the cv::ORB.
type ORB struct {
// C.ORB
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewORB returns a new ORB algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewORB() ORB {
return ORB{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.ORB_Create())}
// NewORBWithParams returns a new ORB algorithm with parameters
// For further details, please see:
func NewORBWithParams(nFeatures int, scaleFactor float32, nLevels int, edgeThreshold int, firstLevel int, WTAK int, scoreType ORBScoreType, patchSize int, fastThreshold int) ORB {
return ORB{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.ORB_CreateWithParams(,
type ORBScoreType int
const (
ORBScoreTypeHarris ORBScoreType = 0
ORBScoreTypeFAST ORBScoreType = 1
// Close ORB.
func (o *ORB) Close() error {
o.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using ORB.
// For further details, please see:
func (o *ORB) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.ORB_Detect((C.ORB)(o.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// DetectAndCompute detects keypoints and computes from an image using ORB.
// For further details, please see:
func (o *ORB) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) {
desc := NewMat()
ret := C.ORB_DetectAndCompute((C.ORB)(o.p), src.p, mask.p, desc.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret), desc
// SimpleBlobDetector is a wrapper around the cv::SimpleBlobDetector.
type SimpleBlobDetector struct {
// C.SimpleBlobDetector
p unsafe.Pointer
// SimpleBlobDetector_Params is a wrapper around the cv::SimpleBlobdetector::Params
type SimpleBlobDetectorParams struct {
p C.SimpleBlobDetectorParams
// NewSimpleBlobDetector returns a new SimpleBlobDetector algorithm
// For further details, please see:
func NewSimpleBlobDetector() SimpleBlobDetector {
return SimpleBlobDetector{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.SimpleBlobDetector_Create())}
// NewSimpleBlobDetectorWithParams returns a new SimpleBlobDetector with custom parameters
// For further details, please see:
func NewSimpleBlobDetectorWithParams(params SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SimpleBlobDetector {
return SimpleBlobDetector{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.SimpleBlobDetector_Create_WithParams(params.p))}
// Close SimpleBlobDetector.
func (b *SimpleBlobDetector) Close() error {
b.p = nil
return nil
// NewSimpleBlobDetectorParams returns the default parameters for the SimpleBobDetector
func NewSimpleBlobDetectorParams() SimpleBlobDetectorParams {
return SimpleBlobDetectorParams{p: C.SimpleBlobDetectorParams_Create()}
// SetBlobColor sets the blobColor field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetBlobColor(blobColor int) {
p.p.blobColor = C.uchar(blobColor)
// GetBlobColor gets the blobColor field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetBlobColor() int {
return int(p.p.blobColor)
// SetFilterByArea sets the filterByArea field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByArea(filterByArea bool) {
p.p.filterByArea = C.bool(filterByArea)
// GetFilterByArea gets the filterByArea field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByArea() bool {
return bool(p.p.filterByArea)
// SetFilterByCircularity sets the filterByCircularity field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByCircularity(filterByCircularity bool) {
p.p.filterByCircularity = C.bool(filterByCircularity)
// GetFilterByCircularity gets the filterByCircularity field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByCircularity() bool {
return bool(p.p.filterByCircularity)
// SetFilterByColor sets the filterByColor field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByColor(filterByColor bool) {
p.p.filterByColor = C.bool(filterByColor)
// GetFilterByColor gets the filterByColor field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByColor() bool {
return bool(p.p.filterByColor)
// SetFilterByConvexity sets the filterByConvexity field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByConvexity(filterByConvexity bool) {
p.p.filterByConvexity = C.bool(filterByConvexity)
// GetFilterByConvexity gets the filterByConvexity field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByConvexity() bool {
return bool(p.p.filterByConvexity)
// SetFilterByInertia sets the filterByInertia field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByInertia(filterByInertia bool) {
p.p.filterByInertia = C.bool(filterByInertia)
// GetFilterByInertia gets the filterByInertia field
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByInertia() bool {
return bool(p.p.filterByInertia)
// SetMaxArea sets the maxArea parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxArea(maxArea float64) {
p.p.maxArea = C.float(maxArea)
// GetMaxArea sets the maxArea parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxArea() float64 {
return float64(p.p.maxArea)
// SetMaxCircularity sets the maxCircularity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxCircularity(maxCircularity float64) {
p.p.maxCircularity = C.float(maxCircularity)
// GetMaxCircularity sets the maxCircularity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxCircularity() float64 {
return float64(p.p.maxCircularity)
// SetMaxConvexity sets the maxConvexity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxConvexity(maxConvexity float64) {
p.p.maxConvexity = C.float(maxConvexity)
// GetMaxConvexity sets the maxConvexity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxConvexity() float64 {
return float64(p.p.maxConvexity)
// SetMaxInertiaRatio sets the maxInertiaRatio parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxInertiaRatio(maxInertiaRatio float64) {
p.p.maxInertiaRatio = C.float(maxInertiaRatio)
// GetMaxInertiaRatio sets the maxCConvexity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxInertiaRatio() float64 {
return float64(p.p.maxInertiaRatio)
// SetMaxThreshold sets the maxThreshold parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxThreshold(maxThreshold float64) {
p.p.maxThreshold = C.float(maxThreshold)
// GetMaxThreshold sets the maxCConvexity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxThreshold() float64 {
return float64(p.p.maxThreshold)
// SetMinArea sets the minArea parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinArea(minArea float64) {
p.p.minArea = C.float(minArea)
// GetMinArea sets theinArea parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinArea() float64 {
return float64(p.p.minArea)
// SetMinCircularity sets the minCircularity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinCircularity(minCircularity float64) {
p.p.minCircularity = C.float(minCircularity)
// GetMinCircularity sets the minCircularity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinCircularity() float64 {
return float64(p.p.minCircularity)
// SetMinConvexity sets the minConvexity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinConvexity(minConvexity float64) {
p.p.minConvexity = C.float(minConvexity)
// GetMinConvexity sets the minConvexity parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinConvexity() float64 {
return float64(p.p.minConvexity)
// SetMinDistBetweenBlobs sets the minDistBetweenBlobs parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinDistBetweenBlobs(minDistBetweenBlobs float64) {
p.p.minDistBetweenBlobs = C.float(minDistBetweenBlobs)
// GetMinDistBetweenBlobs sets the minDistBetweenBlobs parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinDistBetweenBlobs() float64 {
return float64(p.p.minDistBetweenBlobs)
// SetMinInertiaRatio sets the minInertiaRatio parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinInertiaRatio(minInertiaRatio float64) {
p.p.minInertiaRatio = C.float(minInertiaRatio)
// GetMinInertiaRatio sets the minInertiaRatio parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinInertiaRatio() float64 {
return float64(p.p.minInertiaRatio)
// SetMinRepeatability sets the minRepeatability parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinRepeatability(minRepeatability int) {
p.p.minRepeatability = C.size_t(minRepeatability)
// GetMinInertiaRatio sets the minRepeatability parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinRepeatability() int {
return int(p.p.minRepeatability)
// SetMinThreshold sets the minThreshold parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinThreshold(minThreshold float64) {
p.p.minThreshold = C.float(minThreshold)
// GetMinThreshold sets the minInertiaRatio parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinThreshold() float64 {
return float64(p.p.minThreshold)
// SetMinThreshold sets the minThreshold parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetThresholdStep(thresholdStep float64) {
p.p.thresholdStep = C.float(thresholdStep)
// GetMinThreshold sets the minInertiaRatio parameter for SimpleBlobDetector_Params
func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetThresholdStep() float64 {
return float64(p.p.thresholdStep)
// Detect keypoints in an image using SimpleBlobDetector.
// For further details, please see:
func (b *SimpleBlobDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.SimpleBlobDetector_Detect((C.SimpleBlobDetector)(b.p), src.p)
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// getKeyPoints returns a slice of KeyPoint given a pointer to a C.KeyPoints
func getKeyPoints(ret C.KeyPoints) []KeyPoint {
cArray := ret.keypoints
length := int(ret.length)
hdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cArray)),
Len: length,
Cap: length,
s := *(*[]C.KeyPoint)(unsafe.Pointer(&hdr))
keys := make([]KeyPoint, length)
for i, r := range s {
keys[i] = KeyPoint{float64(r.x), float64(r.y), float64(r.size), float64(r.angle), float64(r.response),
int(r.octave), int(r.classID)}
return keys
// BFMatcher is a wrapper around the the cv::BFMatcher algorithm
type BFMatcher struct {
// C.BFMatcher
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewBFMatcher returns a new BFMatcher
// For further details, please see:
func NewBFMatcher() BFMatcher {
return BFMatcher{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.BFMatcher_Create())}
// NewBFMatcherWithParams creates a new BFMatchers but allows setting parameters
// to values other than just the defaults.
// For further details, please see:
func NewBFMatcherWithParams(normType NormType, crossCheck bool) BFMatcher {
return BFMatcher{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.BFMatcher_CreateWithParams(, C.bool(crossCheck)))}
// Close BFMatcher
func (b *BFMatcher) Close() error {
b.p = nil
return nil
// KnnMatch Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set.
// For further details, please see:
func (b *BFMatcher) KnnMatch(query, train Mat, k int) [][]DMatch {
ret := C.BFMatcher_KnnMatch((C.BFMatcher)(b.p), query.p, train.p,
defer C.MultiDMatches_Close(ret)
return getMultiDMatches(ret)
// FlannBasedMatcher is a wrapper around the the cv::FlannBasedMatcher algorithm
type FlannBasedMatcher struct {
// C.FlannBasedMatcher
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewFlannBasedMatcher returns a new FlannBasedMatcher
// For further details, please see:
func NewFlannBasedMatcher() FlannBasedMatcher {
return FlannBasedMatcher{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.FlannBasedMatcher_Create())}
// Close FlannBasedMatcher
func (f *FlannBasedMatcher) Close() error {
f.p = nil
return nil
// KnnMatch Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set.
// For further details, please see:
func (f *FlannBasedMatcher) KnnMatch(query, train Mat, k int) [][]DMatch {
ret := C.FlannBasedMatcher_KnnMatch((C.FlannBasedMatcher)(f.p), query.p, train.p,
defer C.MultiDMatches_Close(ret)
return getMultiDMatches(ret)
func getMultiDMatches(ret C.MultiDMatches) [][]DMatch {
cArray := ret.dmatches
length := int(ret.length)
hdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cArray)),
Len: length,
Cap: length,
s := *(*[]C.DMatches)(unsafe.Pointer(&hdr))
keys := make([][]DMatch, length)
for i := range s {
keys[i] = getDMatches(C.MultiDMatches_get(ret,
return keys
func getDMatches(ret C.DMatches) []DMatch {
cArray := ret.dmatches
length := int(ret.length)
hdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cArray)),
Len: length,
Cap: length,
s := *(*[]C.DMatch)(unsafe.Pointer(&hdr))
keys := make([]DMatch, length)
for i, r := range s {
keys[i] = DMatch{int(r.queryIdx), int(r.trainIdx), int(r.imgIdx),
return keys
// DrawMatchesFlag are the flags setting drawing feature
// For further details please see:
type DrawMatchesFlag int
const (
// DrawDefault creates new image and for each keypoint only the center point will be drawn
DrawDefault DrawMatchesFlag = 0
// DrawOverOutImg draws matches on existing content of image
DrawOverOutImg DrawMatchesFlag = 1
// NotDrawSinglePoints will not draw single points
NotDrawSinglePoints DrawMatchesFlag = 2
// DrawRichKeyPoints draws the circle around each keypoint with keypoint size and orientation
DrawRichKeyPoints DrawMatchesFlag = 3
// DrawKeyPoints draws keypoints
// For further details please see:
func DrawKeyPoints(src Mat, keyPoints []KeyPoint, dst *Mat, color color.RGBA, flag DrawMatchesFlag) {
cKeyPointArray := make([]C.struct_KeyPoint, len(keyPoints))
for i, kp := range keyPoints {
cKeyPointArray[i].x = C.double(kp.X)
cKeyPointArray[i].y = C.double(kp.Y)
cKeyPointArray[i].size = C.double(kp.Size)
cKeyPointArray[i].angle = C.double(kp.Angle)
cKeyPointArray[i].response = C.double(kp.Response)
cKeyPointArray[i].octave =
cKeyPointArray[i].classID =
cKeyPoints := C.struct_KeyPoints{
keypoints: (*C.struct_KeyPoint)(&cKeyPointArray[0]),
length: (,
scalar := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(color.B),
val2: C.double(color.G),
val3: C.double(color.R),
val4: C.double(color.A),
C.DrawKeyPoints(src.p, cKeyPoints, dst.p, scalar,
// SIFT is a wrapper around the cv::SIFT algorithm.
// Due to the patent having expired, this is now in the main OpenCV code modules.
type SIFT struct {
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewSIFT returns a new SIFT algorithm.
// For further details, please see:
func NewSIFT() SIFT {
return SIFT{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.SIFT_Create())}
// Close SIFT.
func (d *SIFT) Close() error {
d.p = nil
return nil
// Detect keypoints in an image using SIFT.
// For further details, please see:
func (d *SIFT) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint {
ret := C.SIFT_Detect((C.SIFT)(d.p), C.Mat(src.Ptr()))
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret)
// DetectAndCompute detects and computes keypoints in an image using SIFT.
// For further details, please see:
func (d *SIFT) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) {
desc := NewMat()
ret := C.SIFT_DetectAndCompute((C.SIFT)(d.p), C.Mat(src.Ptr()), C.Mat(mask.Ptr()),
defer C.KeyPoints_Close(ret)
return getKeyPoints(ret), desc
// DrawMatches draws matches on combined train and querry images.
// For further details, please see:
func DrawMatches(img1 Mat, kp1 []KeyPoint, img2 Mat, kp2 []KeyPoint, matches1to2 []DMatch, outImg *Mat, matchColor color.RGBA, singlePointColor color.RGBA, matchesMask []byte, flags DrawMatchesFlag) {
kp1arr := make([]C.struct_KeyPoint, len(kp1))
kp2arr := make([]C.struct_KeyPoint, len(kp2))
for i, kp := range kp1 {
kp1arr[i].x = C.double(kp.X)
kp1arr[i].y = C.double(kp.Y)
kp1arr[i].size = C.double(kp.Size)
kp1arr[i].angle = C.double(kp.Angle)
kp1arr[i].response = C.double(kp.Response)
kp1arr[i].octave =
kp1arr[i].classID =
for i, kp := range kp2 {
kp2arr[i].x = C.double(kp.X)
kp2arr[i].y = C.double(kp.Y)
kp2arr[i].size = C.double(kp.Size)
kp2arr[i].angle = C.double(kp.Angle)
kp2arr[i].response = C.double(kp.Response)
kp2arr[i].octave =
kp2arr[i].classID =
cKeyPoints1 := C.struct_KeyPoints{
keypoints: (*C.struct_KeyPoint)(&kp1arr[0]),
length: (,
cKeyPoints2 := C.struct_KeyPoints{
keypoints: (*C.struct_KeyPoint)(&kp2arr[0]),
length: (,
dMatchArr := make([]C.struct_DMatch, len(matches1to2))
for i, dm := range matches1to2 {
dMatchArr[i].queryIdx =
dMatchArr[i].trainIdx =
dMatchArr[i].imgIdx =
dMatchArr[i].distance = C.float(dm.Distance)
cDMatches := C.struct_DMatches{
dmatches: (*C.struct_DMatch)(&dMatchArr[0]),
length: (,
scalarMatchColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(matchColor.R),
val2: C.double(matchColor.G),
val3: C.double(matchColor.B),
val4: C.double(matchColor.A),
scalarPointColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(singlePointColor.B),
val2: C.double(singlePointColor.G),
val3: C.double(singlePointColor.R),
val4: C.double(singlePointColor.A),
mask := make([]C.char, len(matchesMask))
cByteArray := C.struct_ByteArray{
length: (,
if len(matchesMask) > 0 {
cByteArray = C.struct_ByteArray{
data: (*C.char)(&mask[0]),
length: (,
C.DrawMatches(img1.p, cKeyPoints1, img2.p, cKeyPoints2, cDMatches, outImg.p, scalarMatchColor, scalarPointColor, cByteArray,