If you are encountering issues then enabling logging, both within this library and on your broker, is a good way to
begin troubleshooting. This library can produce various levels of log by assigning the logging endpoints, ERROR,
CRITICAL, WARN and DEBUG. For example:
func main() {
mqtt.ERROR = log.New(os.Stdout, "[ERROR] ", 0)
mqtt.CRITICAL = log.New(os.Stdout, "[CRIT] ", 0)
mqtt.WARN = log.New(os.Stdout, "[WARN] ", 0)
mqtt.DEBUG = log.New(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", 0)
// Connect, Subscribe, Publish etc..
### Common Problems
* Seemingly random disconnections may be caused by another client connecting to the broker with the same client
identifier; this is as per the [spec](https://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html#_Toc384800405).
* Unless ordered delivery of messages is essential (and you have configured your broker to support this e.g.
`max_inflight_messages=1` in mosquitto) then set `ClientOptions.SetOrderMatters(false)`. Doing so will avoid the
below issue (deadlocks due to blocking message handlers).
* A `MessageHandler` (called when a new message is received) must not block (unless
`ClientOptions.SetOrderMatters(false)` set). If you wish to perform a long-running task, or publish a message, then
please use a go routine (blocking in the handler is a common cause of unexpected `pingresp
not received, disconnecting` errors).
* When QOS1+ subscriptions have been created previously and you connect with `CleanSession` set to false it is possible that the broker will deliver retained
messages before `Subscribe` can be called. To process these messages either configure a handler with `AddRoute` or
set a `DefaultPublishHandler`.
* Loss of network connectivity may not be detected immediately. If this is an issue then consider setting
`ClientOptions.KeepAlive` (sends regular messages to check the link is active).
* Brokers offer many configuration options; some settings may lead to unexpected results. If using Mosquitto check
`max_inflight_messages`, `max_queued_messages`, `persistence` (the defaults may not be what you expect).
Please report bugs by raising issues for this project in github https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang/issues
*A limited number of contributors monitor the issues section so if you have a general question please consider the
resources in the [more information](#more-information) section (your question will be seen by more people, and you are
likely to receive an answer more quickly).*
We welcome bug reports, but it is important they are actionable. A significant percentage of issues reported are not
resolved due to a lack of information. If we cannot replicate the problem then it is unlikely we will be able to fix it.
The information required will vary from issue to issue but consider including:
* Which version of the package you are using (tag or commit - this should be in your go.mod file)
* A [Minimal, Reproducible Example](https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example). Providing an example
is the best way to demonstrate the issue you are facing; it is important this includes all relevant information
(including broker configuration). Docker (see `cmd/docker`) makes it relatively simple to provide a working end-to-end
* A full, clear, description of the problem (detail what you are expecting vs what actually happens).
* Details of your attempts to resolve the issue (what have you tried, what worked, what did not).
* [Application Logs](#logging) covering the period the issue occurred. Unless you have isolated the root cause of the issue please include a link to a full log (including data from well before the problem arose).
* Broker Logs covering the period the issue occurred.