Correct TimeOfDay type, and add marshalling for
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,10 +65,17 @@ type TimeOfDay struct {
// Duration of time since midnight.
FromMidnight time.Duration
// TimeZone is present only if is used. It is otherwise ignored.
TimeZone *time.Location
// Set to true if Offset is specified. If false, then the timezone is
// unspecified (and by ISO8601 - implies some "local" time).
HasOffset bool
// Offset is non-zero only if is used. It is otherwise ignored. If
// non-zero, then it is regarded as a UTC offset in seconds. Note that the
// sub-minutes is ignored by the marshal function.
Offset int16
// MarshalTimeOfDay marshals TimeOfDay to the "time" type.
func MarshalTimeOfDay(v TimeOfDay) (string, error) {
d := int64(v.FromMidnight / time.Second)
hour := d / 3600
@ -79,17 +86,91 @@ func MarshalTimeOfDay(v TimeOfDay) (string, error) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second), nil
var timeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?$`)
// UnmarshalTimeOfDay unmarshals TimeOfDay from the "time" type.
func UnmarshalTimeOfDay(s string) (TimeOfDay, error) {
parts := timeRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if len(parts) < 2 {
return TimeOfDay{}, fmt.Errorf("soap time: value %q is not in ISO8601 time format", s)
t, err := UnmarshalTimeOfDayTz(s)
if err != nil {
return TimeOfDay{}, err
} else if t.HasOffset {
return TimeOfDay{}, fmt.Errorf("soap time: value %q contains unexpected timezone")
return t, nil
// MarshalTimeOfDayTz marshals TimeOfDay to the "" type.
func MarshalTimeOfDayTz(v TimeOfDay) (string, error) {
d := int64(v.FromMidnight / time.Second)
hour := d / 3600
d = d % 3600
minute := d / 60
second := d % 60
tz := ""
if v.HasOffset {
if v.Offset == 0 {
tz = "Z"
} else {
offsetMins := v.Offset / 60
sign := '+'
if offsetMins < 1 {
offsetMins = -offsetMins
sign = '-'
tz = fmt.Sprintf("%c%02d:%02d", sign, offsetMins/60, offsetMins%60)
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d%s", hour, minute, second, tz), nil
var timeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
`^(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?` + // hh[:mm[:ss]]
`(?:(Z)|([+-])(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?$`) // Z | ±hh[:mm]
// UnmarshalTimeOfDayTz unmarshals TimeOfDay from the "" type.
func UnmarshalTimeOfDayTz(s string) (TimeOfDay, error) {
parts := timeRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if parts == nil {
return TimeOfDay{}, fmt.Errorf("soap value %q is not in ISO8601 time format", s)
// HH:MM:SS parsing.
parts = parts[1:]
var iParts [3]int64
for i, pStr := range parts {
for i, pStr := range parts[:3] {
iParts[i], _ = strconv.ParseInt(pStr, 10, 64)
return TimeOfDay{time.Duration(iParts[0]*3600+iParts[1]*60+iParts[2]) * time.Second, nil}, nil
hour, minute, second := iParts[0], iParts[1], iParts[2]
fromMidnight := time.Duration(hour*3600+minute*60+second) * time.Second
// ISO8601 special case - values up to 24:00:00 are allowed, so using
// strictly greater-than for the maximum value.
if fromMidnight > 24*time.Hour || minute >= 60 || second >= 60 {
return TimeOfDay{}, fmt.Errorf("soap value %q has value(s) out of range", s)
// Timezone offset parsing.
hasOffset := false
var offset int64
if parts[3] == "Z" {
hasOffset = true
offset = 0
} else if parts[4] != "" {
hasOffset = true
hours, _ := strconv.ParseInt(parts[5], 10, 64)
var mins int64
if parts[6] != "" {
mins, _ = strconv.ParseInt(parts[6], 10, 64)
offset = hours*3600 + mins*60
if parts[4] == "-" {
offset = -offset
return TimeOfDay{
FromMidnight: time.Duration(hour*3600+minute*60+second) * time.Second,
HasOffset: hasOffset,
Offset: int16(offset),
}, nil
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type testCase struct {
wantUnmarshalErr bool
noMarshal bool
noUnMarshal bool
tag string
type Fixed14_4Test float64
@ -71,7 +72,26 @@ func (v TimeOfDayTest) Equal(result interface{}) bool {
return v.TimeOfDay == result.(TimeOfDay)
type TimeOfDayTzTest struct {
func (v TimeOfDayTzTest) Marshal() (string, error) {
return MarshalTimeOfDayTz(v.TimeOfDay)
func (v TimeOfDayTzTest) Unmarshal(s string) (interface{}, error) {
return UnmarshalTimeOfDayTz(s)
func (v TimeOfDayTzTest) Equal(result interface{}) bool {
return v.TimeOfDay == result.(TimeOfDay)
func Test(t *testing.T) {
const time010203 time.Duration = (1*3600 + 2*60 + 3) * time.Second
const time0102 time.Duration = (1*3600 + 2*60) * time.Second
const time01 time.Duration = (1 * 3600) * time.Second
const time235959 time.Duration = (23*3600 + 59*60 + 59) * time.Second
tests := []testCase{
// Fixed14_4
{str: "0.0000", value: Fixed14_4Test(0)},
@ -99,39 +119,79 @@ func Test(t *testing.T) {
{str: "-1", value: DateTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
// Time
{str: "00:00:00", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{0, nil}}},
{str: "000000", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{0, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(1*3600 + 2*60 + 3) * time.Second, nil}}},
{str: "010203", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(1*3600 + 2*60 + 3) * time.Second, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "23:59:59", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(23*3600 + 59*60 + 59) * time.Second, nil}}},
{str: "235959", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(23*3600 + 59*60 + 59) * time.Second, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(1*3600 + 2*60) * time.Second, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "0102", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(1*3600 + 2*60) * time.Second, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(1 * 3600) * time.Second, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{(1 * 3600) * time.Second, nil}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "foo 01:02:03", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "foo\n01:02:03", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03 foo", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03\nfoo", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "00:00:00", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: 0}}},
{str: "000000", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: 0}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "24:00:00", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: 24 * time.Hour}}, noMarshal: true}, // ISO8601 special case
{str: "24:01:00", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "24:00:01", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "25:00:00", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "00:60:00", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "00:00:60", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time010203}}},
{str: "010203", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time010203}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "23:59:59", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time235959}}},
{str: "235959", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time235959}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time0102}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "0102", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time0102}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01", value: TimeOfDayTest{TimeOfDay{FromMidnight: time01}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "foo 01:02:03", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "foo\n01:02:03", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03 foo", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03\nfoo", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03Z", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03+01", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03+01:23", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03+0123", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03-01", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03-01:23", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "01:02:03-0123", value: TimeOfDayTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true, tag: "notz"},
{str: "24:00:01", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{}, wantUnmarshalErr: true, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01Z", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time01, true, 0}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03Z", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, 0}}},
{str: "01+01", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time01, true, 3600}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03+01", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, 3600}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03+01:23", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, 3600 + 23*60}}},
{str: "01:02:03+0123", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, 3600 + 23*60}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03-01", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, -3600}}, noMarshal: true},
{str: "01:02:03-01:23", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, -(3600 + 23*60)}}},
{str: "01:02:03-0123", value: TimeOfDayTzTest{TimeOfDay{time010203, true, -(3600 + 23*60)}}, noMarshal: true},
var extras []testCase
for i, test := range tests {
if value, ok := test.value.(TimeOfDayTest); ok && test.tag != "notz" {
// Auto-generate cases from Time cases where the check isn't
// checking for a forbidden timezone offset.
test.value = TimeOfDayTzTest{value.TimeOfDay}
// Assert that we are working on a copy (just in case future code change
// changes tests to a slice of pointers).
if _, ok := tests[i].value.(TimeOfDayTest); !ok {
t.Fatal("Mutated original TimeOfDayTest in making TimeOfDayTzTest copy.")
extras = append(extras, test)
tests = append(tests, extras...)
for _, test := range tests {
if test.noMarshal {
} else if resultStr, err := test.value.Marshal(); err != nil && !test.wantMarshalErr {
t.Errorf("For %s, want %q, got error: %v", test.value, test.str, err)
t.Errorf("For %T marshal %v, want %q, got error: %v", test.value, test.value, test.str, err)
} else if err == nil && test.wantMarshalErr {
t.Errorf("For %s, want error, got %q", test.value, resultStr)
t.Errorf("For %T marshal %v, want error, got %q", test.value, test.value, resultStr)
} else if err == nil && resultStr != test.str {
t.Errorf("For %s, want %q, got %q", test.value, test.str, resultStr)
t.Errorf("For %T marshal %v, want %q, got %q", test.value, test.value, test.str, resultStr)
if test.noUnMarshal {
} else if resultValue, err := test.value.Unmarshal(test.str); err != nil && !test.wantUnmarshalErr {
t.Errorf("For %q, want %v, got error: %v", test.str, test.value, err)
t.Errorf("For %T unmarshal %q, want %v, got error: %v", test.value, test.str, test.value, err)
} else if err == nil && test.wantUnmarshalErr {
t.Errorf("For %q, want error, got %v", test.str, resultValue)
t.Errorf("For %T unmarshal %q, want error, got %v", test.value, test.str, resultValue)
} else if err == nil && !test.value.Equal(resultValue) {
t.Errorf("For %q, want %v, got %v", test.str, test.value, resultValue)
t.Errorf("For %T unmarshal %q, want %v, got %v", test.value, test.str, test.value, resultValue)
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